73133 LG Replacement Parts
Parts Prediction
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Parts List
Category | Part Number | Description | Demand | Availability |
Band | 4770JA3001E | LG Band Schematic Location: 627A | Y | Ships in 27 days 13.95 |
4270JA3009Q | LG Bar Schematic Location: 250A | No | ||
Base | AAN73232106 | LG Base Assembly,compressor Schematic Location: 315A | Ships in 7 days 281.95 | |
Basket | AAP73051302 | LG Basket Assembly,door Schematic Location: 241C | Y | In Stock In stock 86.95 |
Basket | AAP73051602 | LG Basket Assembly,door Schematic Location: 241D | Y | Ships in 22 days 86.95 |
Basket | AAP73051502 | LG Basket Assembly,door Schematic Location: 241E | Y | In Stock In stock 78.95 |
Basket | AAP73051402 | LG Basket Assembly,door Schematic Location: 241F | Y | Ships in 7 days 86.95 |
Basket | AAP73031605 | LG Basket Assembly,door Schematic Location: 241G | Y | In Stock In stock 103.95 |
Bracket, Flange, Blade | ABA72913505 | LG Bracket Assembly,motor Schematic Location: 405G | Ships in 7 days 169.95 | |
Bracket, Flange, Blade | ABA74030401 | LG Bracket Assembly,motor Schematic Location: 407A | No | |
Bracket, Flange, Blade | MAZ62265301 | LG Bracket,motor Schematic Location: 319F | Ships in 7 days 32.95 | |
Bracket, Flange, Blade | MAZ63127401 | LG Bracket,motor Schematic Location: 405A | Ships in 7 days 32.95 | |
Ice Maker Components | AKC72949312 | LG Bucket Assembly,ice Schematic Location: 600B | Y | In Stock In stock 324.95 |
Lever | MBG64224501 | LG Button,lever Schematic Location: 113G | Ships in 7 days 13.95 | |
Cover,Cap | ABN72938908 | LG Cap Assembly,duct Schematic Location: 282G | No | |
Cover,Cap | MBL67039201 | LG Cap,cover Schematic Location: 623B | Y | In Stock In stock 13.95 |
Cover,Cap | MBL64918601 | LG Cap,duct Schematic Location: 282F | Ships in 7 days 13.95 | |
Capacitor | 0CZZJB2014L | LG Capacitor,electric Appliance Film,box Schematic Location: 410G | Y | In Stock In stock 52.95 |
Capacitor | EAE32501017 | LG Capacitor,electric Appliance Film,radial Schematic Location: 410J | Y | In Stock In stock 68.95 |
Case | MBN62023801 | LG Case,lamp Schematic Location: 409D | Ships in 7 days 68.95 | |
Compressor - Sealed System | TCA38091801 | LG Compressor,set Assembly Schematic Location: 307A | Y | No |
Compressor - Sealed System | TCA38151706 | LG Compressor,set Assembly Schematic Location: 307A | Y | In Stock In stock 431.95 |
Wire | ACG74444902 | LG Condenser Assembly,wire Schematic Location: 323B | Y | In Stock In stock 346.95 |
Connector | 4403JJ3001B | LG Connector Assembly Schematic Location: 250B | Y | In Stock In stock 37.95 |
Connector | MCD61841106 | LG Connector,rail Schematic Location: 621B | Ships in 7 days 86.95 | |
Connector | MCD61841107 | LG Connector,rail Schematic Location: 621C | Ships in 7 days 78.95 | |
Connector | MCD63827601 | LG Connector,tube Schematic Location: 616J | Y | In Stock In stock 26.95 |
Controller | 6615JB2005N | LG Controller Assembly Schematic Location: 401A | Y | In Stock In stock 42.95 |
Cover,Cap | ACQ85995304 | LG Cover Assembly,bucket Ice Schematic Location: 630A | Y | Ships in 7 days 399.95 |
Cover,Cap | ACQ83112512 | LG Cover Assembly,display Schematic Location: 280A | Ships in 7 days 437.95 | |
Cover,Cap | ACQ87133819 | LG Cover Assembly,hinge Schematic Location: 281A | Y | Ships in 7 days 187.95 |
Cover,Cap | ACQ87133809 | LG Cover Assembly,hinge Schematic Location: 282E | Y | Ships in 7 days 86.95 |
Cover,Cap | ACQ85808201 | LG Cover Assembly,lamp Schematic Location: 158E | Ships in 7 days 169.95 | |
Cover,Cap | ACQ33676523 | LG Cover Assembly,lamp Schematic Location: 503F | No | |
Cover,Cap | ACQ77080101 | LG Cover Assembly,machinery(rear) Schematic Location: 304A | Ships in 7 days 94.95 | |
Cover,Cap | ACQ85329203 | LG Cover Assembly,pcb Schematic Location: 501F | Y | Ships in 7 days 78.95 |
Cover,Cap | ACQ73152603 | LG Cover Assembly,tray Schematic Location: 154B | Y | In Stock In stock 78.95 |
Cover,Cap | ACQ85626202 | LG Cover Assembly,tv Schematic Location: 154A | Ships in 7 days 263.95 | |
Cover,Cap | ACQ85624102 | LG Cover Assembly,tv Schematic Location: 154C | Ships in 7 days 281.95 | |
Cover,Cap | MCK67227902 | LG Cover,door Switch Schematic Location: 621G | Y | Ships in 7 days 19.95 |
Cover,Cap | MCK63645801 | LG Cover,front Schematic Location: 631A | Y | Ships in 7 days 52.95 |
Cover,Cap | MCK66668601 | LG Cover,home Bar Schematic Location: 630H | Y | Ships in 7 days 19.95 |
Cover,Cap | MCK63645501 | LG Cover,lamp Schematic Location: 158A | No | |
Cover,Cap | MCK66690601 | LG Cover,motor Schematic Location: 319G | Ships in 7 days 26.95 | |
Cover,Cap | 3550JA2110B | LG Cover,ptc Schematic Location: 310A | In Stock In stock 26.95 | |
Cover,Cap | MCK69290701 | LG Cover,tube Schematic Location: 625A | No | |
Damper | MCQ66921103 | LG Damper,compressor Schematic Location: 312A | Y | Ships in 7 days 26.95 |
Damper | 5040JJ2001A | LG Damper,motor Support Schematic Location: 405B | Ships in 7 days 13.95 | |
Damper | 5040JA2009B | LG Damper,motor Support Schematic Location: 405C Skill level: - Fast and very easy fix | Y | No |
Damper | 5040JA2004A | LG Damper,motor Support Schematic Location: 405F | Y | No |
MCR64408401 | LG Decor,drain Schematic Location: 282J | Ships in 7 days 13.95 | ||
Door,Remote Control Door | ADC73669534 | LG Door Assembly,refrigerator(left) Schematic Location: 230B | No | |
Door,Remote Control Door | ADC52734350 | LG Door Assembly,refrigerator(right) Schematic Location: 230A | No | |
Door,Remote Control Door | ADD36429946 | LG Door Foam Assembly,freezer Schematic Location: 201A | Ships in 7 days 263.95 | |
Dryer | ADH73590307 | LG Drier Assembly Schematic Location: 317A | No | |
Duct, Vent | ADJ72909825 | LG Duct Assembly,multi Schematic Location: 120A | No | |
Connector | MCZ62372201 | LG Duct,connector Schematic Location: 234B | Ships in 7 days 32.95 | |
Duct, Vent | MCZ63431701 | LG Duct,multi Schematic Location: 120B | Ships in 7 days 163.95 | |
Evaporator | ADL74581401 | LG Evaporator Assembly Schematic Location: 301A | Y | In Stock In stock 399.95 |
5901JJ1003A | LG Fan Assembly Schematic Location: 329A | Y | In Stock In stock 37.95 | |
ADP73293501 | LG Fan Assembly Schematic Location: 329B | Ships in 7 days 37.95 | ||
ADP36665702 | LG Fan Assembly Schematic Location: 329C | Y | In Stock In stock 37.95 | |
Filter | ADQ36772702 | LG Filter Assembly,head Schematic Location: 611F | Ships in 7 days 56.95 | |
Filter | ADQ36006101 | LG Filter Assembly,water Schematic Location: 611A | No | |
Filter | ADQ36763411 | LG Filter Assembly,water Schematic Location: 611E | Y | Ships in 27 days 144.95 |
Door,Remote Control Door | ADX73350962 | LG Gasket Assembly,door Schematic Location: 203A | Ships in 7 days 49.95 | |
Door,Remote Control Door | ADX73350633 | LG Gasket Assembly,door Schematic Location: 233A | Y | In Stock In stock 111.95 |
Door,Remote Control Door | ADX73350634 | LG Gasket Assembly,door Schematic Location: 233B | No 65.95 | |
Door,Remote Control Door | ADX73571205 | LG Gasket Assembly,door Schematic Location: 630J | Y | In Stock In stock 37.95 |
AEB73564901 | LG Grille Assembly,fan Schematic Location: 332C | Y | In Stock In stock 346.95 | |
Guide | AEC73438101 | LG Guide Assembly,rail Schematic Location: 128A | Y | In Stock In stock 78.95 |
Guide | AEC73438103 | LG Guide Assembly,rail Schematic Location: 128B | Ships in 7 days 169.95 | |
Guide | AEC73437801 | LG Guide Assembly,rail Schematic Location: 145J | Y | Ships in 7 days 94.95 |
Guide | AEC73437902 | LG Guide Assembly,tv Schematic Location: 145G | Ships in 7 days 78.95 | |
Guide | AEC73437901 | LG Guide Assembly,tv Schematic Location: 145H | Y | In Stock In stock 86.95 |
Guide | MEA62651201 | LG Guide,drawer Schematic Location: 237A | Y | In Stock In stock 78.95 |
Guide | MEA62651101 | LG Guide,fan Schematic Location: 319C | Ships in 7 days 37.95 | |
Handle | AED73012701 | LG Handle Assembly,freezer Schematic Location: 212A | No | |
Handle | AED72952801 | LG Handle Assembly,refrigerator Schematic Location: 244A | Ships in 7 days 187.95 | |
Handle | MEB64014304 | LG Handle,rear Schematic Location: 103B | Y | In Stock In stock 13.95 |
5300JB1100W | LG Heater,sheath Schematic Location: 418A | Ships in 7 days 78.95 | ||
Hinge | AEH36821908 | LG Hinge Assembly,center Schematic Location: 243C | Y | In Stock In stock 78.95 |
Hinge | AEH36821910 | LG Hinge Assembly,center Schematic Location: 243D | Y | In Stock In stock 78.95 |
Hinge | AEH71135340 | LG Hinge Assembly,center Schematic Location: 262H | No | |
Hinge | AEH71135338 | LG Hinge Assembly,center Schematic Location: 282B | No | |
Hinge | AEH36582701 | LG Hinge Assembly,lower Schematic Location: 630G | Y | Ships in 7 days 52.95 |
Hinge | AEH75256504 | LG Hinge Assembly,upper Schematic Location: 271A | Y | In Stock In stock 52.95 |
Hinge | AEH75256503 | LG Hinge Assembly,upper Schematic Location: 271B | Y | In Stock In stock 52.95 |
Hinge | AEH73696402 | LG Hinge Assembly,upper Schematic Location: 630F | Y | Ships in 7 days 56.95 |
Holder | AEJ73460201 | LG Holder Assembly Schematic Location: 128E | No | |
Holder | AEJ73579702 | LG Holder Assembly,bracket Schematic Location: 607A | Y | In Stock In stock 13.95 |
Holder | MEG62760401 | LG Holder,bracket Schematic Location: 113H | No | |
Holder | MEG61899901 | LG Holder,door Schematic Location: 104E | Y | In Stock In stock 19.95 |
Holder | MEG62780601 | LG Holder,door Schematic Location: 104E | Y | In Stock In stock 32.95 |
Holder | 4930JA3043A | LG Holder,lever Schematic Location: 113F | Ships in 27 days 13.95 | |
Holder | MEG62760301 | LG Holder,rail Schematic Location: 128F | Ships in 7 days 78.95 | |
Holder | MEG62760504 | LG Holder,rail Schematic Location: 145C | Y | In Stock In stock 52.95 |
Holder | MEG62760503 | LG Holder,rail Schematic Location: 145F | Y | In Stock In stock 56.95 |
Holder | 4930JJ2004D | LG Holder,shelf Schematic Location: 145B | In Stock In stock 64.95 | |
Kit | AEQ72910413 | LG Ice Maker Assembly,kit Schematic Location: 600A | Y | In Stock In stock 198.95 |
Knob, Dial, Button | MEY62354001 | LG Knob,shutter Schematic Location: 151C | Ships in 7 days 52.95 | |
Led | EAV62052302 | LG Led Assembly Schematic Location: 409A | Y | In Stock In stock 116.95 |
Led | EAV62112102 | LG Led Assembly Schematic Location: 409C | Ships in 7 days 163.95 | |
Leg, Foot, Caster | 4779JA3001H | LG Leg Assembly,adjust Schematic Location: 106A | Y | In Stock In stock 32.95 |
Lever | MFC62289601 | LG Lever,dispenser Schematic Location: 282H | Ships in 7 days 52.95 | |
MFF62123001 | LG Link Schematic Location: 113J | Ships in 7 days 13.95 | ||
Motor,Ice Maker Motor | 4681JB1029D | LG Motor Assembly,dc,cooling Schematic Location: 420A | Y | In Stock In stock 103.95 |
Motor,Ice Maker Motor | EAU60784233 | LG Motor, Ac Indoor Schematic Location: 606A | Y | In Stock In stock 184.95 |
Motor,Ice Maker Motor | EAU60783847 | LG Motor,ac Schematic Location: 600C | No | |
Motor,Ice Maker Motor | 4681JB1027C | LG Motor,dc Schematic Location: 404A | Y | In Stock In stock 94.95 |
Motor,Ice Maker Motor | 4681JB1027J | LG Motor,dc Schematic Location: 404B | Y | In Stock In stock 86.95 |
Motor,Ice Maker Motor | EAU59551204 | LG Motor,dc Schematic Location: 405H | Y | In Stock In stock 68.95 |
Cooking Plate | MFT61866214 | LG Name Plate Schematic Location: 212G | No | |
Protector | 6750CL0001D | LG Overload Protect Schematic Location: 309A | Y | In Stock In stock 37.95 |
Circuit Board | EBR79267107 | LG Pcb Assembly,main Schematic Location: 501A | Y | In Stock In stock 472.95 |
Pin | 1PZZJA3013B | LG Pin,common Schematic Location: 305C | Y | In Stock In stock 13.95 |
Pipe, Tube, Hose, Fitting | MGE39575301 | LG Pipe,compressor Sealing Schematic Location: 419B | No | |
Pipe, Tube, Hose, Fitting | MGE62010602 | LG Pipe,compressor Sealing Schematic Location: 419B | Y | In Stock In stock 13.95 |
Cooking Plate | AGU73530705 | LG Plate Assembly,front Schematic Location: 233J | No | |
Power Cord | EAD61445245 | LG Power Cord Assembly Schematic Location: 411A | No | |
Rail | 5218JA1010E | LG Rail,slide Schematic Location: 249E | Y | In Stock In stock 125.95 |
Rail | 5218JA1010F | LG Rail,slide Schematic Location: 249F | Y | In Stock In stock 144.95 |
Axle, Roller, Shaft Wheel | MHA62513601 | LG Roller Schematic Location: 305B | Y | In Stock In stock 19.95 |
Axle, Roller, Shaft Wheel | AHJ73130001 | LG Roller Assembly Schematic Location: 133A | Y | In Stock In stock 32.95 |
Axle, Roller, Shaft Wheel | AHJ73150001 | LG Roller Assembly Schematic Location: 133B | Y | In Stock In stock 26.95 |
Screw | 1STZJA3004C | LG Screw,customized Schematic Location: B01 | No | |
Screw | FAB30138101 | LG Screw,set Schematic Location: 212K | Y | No |
Sensor, Thermistor, Thermostat | 6500JB2002X | LG Sensor,temperature Schematic Location: 903E | Y | In Stock In stock 32.95 |
Glass Shelf | AHT73334003 | LG Shelf Assembly,net Schematic Location: 141C | Ships in 7 days 103.95 | |
Glass Shelf | AHT73314105 | LG Shelf Assembly,refrigerator Schematic Location: 141A | Ships in 7 days 111.95 | |
Glass Shelf | MHL42613217 | LG Shelf,glass Schematic Location: 167B | Y | In Stock In stock 52.95 |
Glass Shelf | MHL61991604 | LG Shelf,refrigerator Schematic Location: 141B | No | |
MHN61922201 | LG Shroud,refrigerator Schematic Location: 405J | Ships in 7 days 32.95 | ||
5070JJ3004D | LG Skirt,lower Schematic Location: 105G | No | ||
MHU62101101 | LG Spanner Schematic Location: 262F | Y | Ships in 22 days 13.95 | |
Spring | 4970JA3011K | LG Spring,lever Schematic Location: 113E | Y | In Stock In stock 13.95 |
Stopper | AJC73112301 | LG Stopper Assembly,door Schematic Location: 243A | Y | Ships in 7 days 43.95 |
Stopper | AJC73112302 | LG Stopper Assembly,door Schematic Location: 243B | Y | Ships in 7 days 43.95 |
Stopper | 4620JA3015A | LG Stopper,compressor Schematic Location: 314A | Y | In Stock In stock 13.95 |
Stopper | MJB63190002 | LG Stopper,handle Schematic Location: 212J | Y | In Stock In stock 19.95 |
Switch | EBF62234504 | LG Switch,magnet Schematic Location: 402A | Y | Ships in 19 days 32.95 |
Switch | 6600JB1010A | LG Switch,push Button Schematic Location: 406B | Y | In Stock In stock 22.95 |
Tank | 4838JA2003E | LG Tank,water Schematic Location: 615A | Y | In Stock In stock 94.95 |
Sensor, Thermistor, Thermostat | EBG60663205 | LG Thermistor Assembly,ptc Schematic Location: 308A | Y | In Stock In stock 68.95 |
Tray, Support , Ice Maker Tray | 3391JJ2013F | LG Tray Assembly,drain Schematic Location: 319B | Y | Ships in 7 days 52.95 |
Drawer | AJP72909907 | LG Tray Assembly,drawer Schematic Location: 136A | Y | In Stock In stock 103.95 |
Drawer | AJP72909706 | LG Tray Assembly,drawer Schematic Location: 136B | Y | Ships in 13 days 144.95 |
Tray, Support , Ice Maker Tray | AJP73455002 | LG Tray Assembly,fresh Room Schematic Location: 170A | No | |
Tray, Support , Ice Maker Tray | AJP73455404 | LG Tray Assembly,vegetable Schematic Location: 151A | Y | No |
Tray, Support , Ice Maker Tray | AJP73455405 | LG Tray Assembly,vegetable Schematic Location: 151B | In Stock In stock 163.95 | |
Drawer | MJS63852101 | LG Tray,drawer Schematic Location: 136D | Y | In Stock In stock 86.95 |
Tray, Support , Ice Maker Tray | MJS61991901 | LG Tray,drip Schematic Location: 319A | Ships in 22 days 68.95 | |
Drawer | AJP72909810 | LG Tray,freezer Schematic Location: 131A | No | |
Pipe, Tube, Hose, Fitting | 5251JA3003D | LG Tube Assembly,drain Schematic Location: 105A | Y | In Stock In stock 19.95 |
Valve, Float Assembly | AJU72992601 | LG Valve Assembly,water Schematic Location: 619A | Y | In Stock In stock 116.95 |
Valve, Float Assembly | 5221JB2010G | LG Valve Assembly,water Schematic Location: 619B | Y | In Stock In stock 160.95 |